Oh, and chocolate.

Thursday, April 28

Hostel Information

I found out the names and addresses of the hostels we're staying in. After extensive searching I've come up with almost no information about them. However, because of this site (all in German) I've located the Berlin Hostel. It's in a district called "Schöneberg" which is real close to the main commercial areas.

Also through looking around online I found a place called "Kaffee Burger" (Coffee Burger). Again, it's all in German, but there are some nice pictures and the name sounds interesting!

Tuesday, April 26

Making Arrangments

Patrick and I have been trying to establish some sort of rendevous in Europe. I don't know what we'll do but it will be interesting to see my roommate on the other side of the world.

I was thinking about the (sorta corny) "A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step." quote last night. After a google search I learned that Lao-zi, a Taoist philosopher had it attributed to him. Another site described his intention in this passage as to describe how action rises from inaction. How movement comes from a void of nothingness.

I found that fascinating so I did something I hadn't done in months - I drew.

Got an email from the student's I'm staying with in Dortmund. More details as they arrive.

Sunday, April 24

Good Bye Lenin!

Good Bye Lenin
Originally uploaded by Helmers.
I rented and watched 'Good Bye Lenin!' this afternoon (on account of the snow outside). It was a great movie. I knew the premise before watching it, but it still surprised me.

Basically, it's a very entertaining story about a brother and sister who care for their mother after she's been in a coma. The family lives in East Berlin, and this coma takes place during the fall of East Germany. The children try to recreate East Berlin for their mother in order not to shock her.

The apartment this family lives in is very near the fernsehturm, that big TV tower. Television plays an important role throughout the film.

Short version: Very cool visual movie with a great story.